Formicola, Alba / Gianluca Imbriani et al (Hrsg.). Nuclei in the Cosmos XV. Springer International Publishing, 2020.

Nuclei in the Cosmos XV

  • Springer International Publishing
  • 2020
  • Taschenbuch
  • 536 Seiten
  • ISBN 9783030138783
Herausgeber: Alba Formicola / Gianluca Imbriani / Lucio Gialanella / Matthias Junker

These peer-reviewed NIC XV conference proceedings present the latest major advances in nuclear physics, astrophysics, astronomy, cosmochemistry and neutrino physics, which provide the necessary framework for a microscopic understanding of astrophysical processes. The book also discusses future directions and perspectives in the various fields of nuclear astrophysics research. In addition, it also includes a limited number of section of more general interest on double beta decay and dark matter.

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