Donaldson, Eric Ovid / Kevin Kitrell Ross. Breathing Space - A 52-Week Meditation Journey for Centered, Soulful, and Successful Living. Kevin Kitrell Ross, 2021.

Eric Ovid Donaldson / Kevin Kitrell Ross

Breathing Space

A 52-Week Meditation Journey for Centered, Soulful, and Successful Living
  • Kevin Kitrell Ross
  • 2021
  • Taschenbuch
  • 254 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781953307378

"In our stressful modern times wherein our societal conditioning cultivates feelings of not-enoughness, shame, guilt, fear, worry, and doubt, Rev. Kev amply demonstrates the prospering impact of unconditional love. His erudite yet uplifting wisdom goes straight to the heart of our innate capacity to discover our utter worthiness of the unconditional love of Spirit living at the root of our being, to nurture ourselves with this love, and spread it to all beings, without exception. I encourage you to engage these pages slowly and deeply, so they may find a home in your heart and guide and prosper every precious moment of your life." -Michael Bernard Beckwith Founder and Spiritual Director Agape International Spiritual Center

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