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Sie haben nach Zhe, Xiaoye gesucht

Xiaoye She, once served as researcher of Institute of Sociology and National Institute of Social Development of Chinese Academy of Social Science, and professor of the school of postgraduate. She's been long devoted to the research on organizational sociology, economic sociology, community development in rural area, and urban-rural relation, with her study findings and theses published on periodicals such as Social Science of China and Study on Sociology, and published works as Restructuring of Villages - Social Transition of a Super Village (1997), Practice of Community (co-authored, 2000) and Cities at Turning Points (1989). Yun Ai, postdoctor and assistant researcher of National Institute of Social Development of Chinese Academy of Social Science, who graduated from Peking University in 2011 for a doctoral degree in sociology, and visited Friedman International Research Center of Stanford University as a guest scholar from Jan. 2009 to Jan. 2011. Her major fields of study include the study on organization and system, and economic sociology. She used to have her theses published on Social Science of China, Society, The China Quarterly and Research in the Sociology of Organization.