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Sie haben nach Xia, Hong-Qi gesucht

Kenji Kano is a Professor Emeritus at Kyoto University. Hewas born in 1954 in Japan and received his Ph. D. from the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan, in 1983. He then worked for 12 years at Gifu Pharmaceutical University, Japan, as Assistant and Associate Professor. From 1990 to 1991, he joined as a visiting researcher with Prof. G. S. Wilson in Department Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Kansas University, USA. Since 1994, he was in Division of Applied Life Sciences in Graduated School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, where he was a Professor from 2005 to 2020. One of his recent research fields is bioelectrochemistry including enzymatic biofuel cells, biosensors, and bioreactors. The other field concerns physical and analytical biochemistry on redox enzymes. He has published around 330 research papers, 55 reviews, and 30 books. He has received 12 awards from academic societies in Japan on electrochemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry. He has also obtained 17 patents on electrochemical devices and redox enzyme utilizations.