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Sie haben nach Nobre, Marcos gesucht

Marcos Nobre is a Professor of Political Philosophy at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), President of the Brazilian Center of Analysis and Planning (Cebrap), Principal Investigator of the Maria Sybilla Merian Centre Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America (Mecila) and Researcher 1A of The National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Among his publications in the last two years: "The Global Uprising of Populist Conservatism and the Case of Brazil", in: Klaus-Gerd Giesen (ed.), Ideologies in World Politics. Springer, 2020; "'Pémédébisme', présidentialisme de coalition et crise de la démocratie", Brésil(s), no. 19, 2021; Limites da democracia: De Junho de 2013 ao governo Bolsonaro, São Paulo: Todavia, 2022. Springer also published his "Foreword" to Camila Rocha; Esther Solano; Jonas Medeiros. The Bolsonaro Paradox: Public Sphere and Right-Wing Counterpublicity in Contemporary Brazil. Springer, 2021.