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Born in New Orleans, Louisiana, and currently residing in Baton Rouge. I am a retired Army Veteran, wife of a retired Marine veteran, proud mother of three, (my oldest an Army Veteran) and proud grandmother to one. My educational background includes an Associates in Criminal Justice, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, and a Master of Science in Healthcare Administration. I have dedicated over 20 years working within the healthcare field. I believe the biggest degree one can have, is life experience. Everyone's life is different, and although life deal cant be a deck of cards, full of jokers, I was able to overcome and survive, two domestic violence relations, (one of which almost ended my life), being raped at 12 and not revealing it until I was in my 40's, many thoughts of suicide, depression. All I can say is "But God!" Therefore, I write, turning my test into Testimonies, to help educate our youth. "Reading Reality Is Essential"