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Sie haben nach Gruber, Ralf gesucht

Ralf Gruber won the Cray Gigaflop Performance Award in 1989 with world's fastest parallel program running at 1.7 GFlop/s sustained. He was responsible for the Swiss-Tx cluster project, a co-operation between EPFL, Compaq, and Supercomputing Systems. Since 6 years he teaches the doctoral school course on "High Performance Computing Methods". Vincent Keller received his Master degree in Computer Science from the University of Geneva (Switzerland) in 2004, and his PhD degree in 2008 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in the HPCN and HPC Grids fields. Since 2009, Dr. Vincent Keller holds a full-time researcher position at University of Bonn in Germany. His research interests are in HPC applications analysis, Grid and cluster computing and energy efficiency of large computing ecosystems.