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Sie haben nach Clarke, David gesucht

This is an amazing collection of life giving testimonies of former convicted criminals housed in one of the largest National Penitentiaries in the Far East Some hardened criminals are struck with fear when they learn their sentence is to be served in this jail. It houses over 33,500 inmates, in three compounds. The Maximum, Medium and Minimum Compounds. The Maximum Compound houses over 13,000 men in a most unique way, In this compound there are over 1200 "Death Convicts", one of which is Alfred R. Nardo, a "Trojan Warrior". He was converted from crime to Christ and scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on the 16th October 2002. He is the Mayor of "Death Row". And is now a fisher of men, seeking to direct men to Christ and freedom, which is the message of this book. His is the first of the 66 testimonies recorded for your reading. Michael J. Clarke