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Richard Nelson's many plays include _Illyria_ ; _The Gabriels: Election Year in the Life of One Family_ ( _Hungry_ , _What Did You Expect?_ , _Women of a Certain Age_ ); _The Apple Family: Scenes from Life in the Country_ ( _That Hopey Changey Thing_ , _Sweet and Sad_ , _Sorry, Regular Singing_ ); _Nikolai and the Others_ ; _Goodnight Children Everywhere_ (Olivier Award for Best Play); _Franny's Way_ ; _Some Americans Abroad_ ; _Frank's Home_ ; _Two Shakespearean Actors_ ; and _James Joyce's The Dead_ (with Shaun Davey; Tony Award for Best Book of a Musical). Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky have translated the works of Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov, Boris Pasternak, and Mikhail Bulgakov. Their translations of _The Brothers Karamazov_ and _Anna Karenina_ won the PEN Translation Prize in 1991 and 2002, respectively. Pevear, a native of Boston, and Volokhonsky, of St. Petersburg, are married and live in France.