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Gefundene Autoren: Jinfan Zhang

**Zhang Jinfan,** life professor of the University of Political Science and Law, Dean of the Research Center of the Chinese Legal History, academic pacesetter of the Chinese legal history of the PRC, Chairman of the Chinese Legal History Association, has published many important academic works in Chinese legal history and has great influence in and outside China. From 1983 to 1984, he was the director at Postgraduate School of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law, held a concurrent post as the head of China Law History Institute of the Chinese University of Political Science and Law. In 1983, was chosen as the tutor of doctorial students of China Law System History. In 1988, he was endowed as a head of the Association of Chinese legal history. From 1991, he has enjoyed special contribution subsidy of state. At present holds the post of the honorary chairman of China Education Association, the special consultant of China law history Institute, the chairman of China Legal Culture Institute, the executive director of State Taiwan Institute. Zhang Jinfan has published many personal writings such as _The History of Law System of China, The Theory of China Law History, Warning from China Law History, The Law System of Antiquity China, Tradition and modern Transformation of Chinese Law,_ etc,.