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Sie haben nach omini, arikpo lawrence gesucht

Gefundene Autoren: Arikpo Lawrence Omini

The Author of this Book, titled; ¿GERMANY HAS FALLEN¿ has written a couple of books over a long period. Some of these books were published in the traditional setting in social and cultural circles. Among his recent books are ¿WINGS AND WHITE ROBES¿, a supernatural and historical fantasy thriller novel based around the true nature, life and significance of a mysterious and legendary figure known as the ¿World Teacher.¿ Also, the novel titled; ¿LEOPARD KING,¿ a Sci-fi, magic, mythological, action-packed adventure and supernatural fantasy based on the 500 years old historical secret of the Leopard Society of West Africa. In their belief, the Panther King is the King of the skies, jungle, night and King of the Underworld or Afterlife. According to the secret of the Leopard Society, the ¿Master of Enlightenment' and ¿God of Storm' called ¿The World Teacher¿ will return and would establish his new ¿World Kingdom¿ on earth but for that to be successful he has to wage a successful war against the unseen powerful forces from Astron that bring chaos on earth. The Author has worked as a columnist and editor of both Trumpet Newspaper and Pathfinder Magazine and has written several articles in several journals and gazettes. He migrated to Germany in 2012. He has spent most of his time studying the population, the political enti-ties, social and working life of many Germans and immigrants in the European Union, and the impact recent migration has had on the country and its institutions and vice versa. He currently lives in Würzburg, a historical city in Bavaria, Southern Germany.