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Gefundene Autoren: Franco Marucci

Franco Marucci is a former Professor of English at the Universities of Siena, Florence and Venice Ca' Foscari. His publications include Il senso interrotto. Autonomia e codificazione nella poesia di Dylan Thomas (1976), The Fine Delight that Fathers Thought: Rhetoric and Medievalism in Gerard Manley Hopkins (1994), L'inchiostro del mago. Saggi di letteratura inglese dell'Ottocento (2009) and Joyce (2013). The unabridged English translation of his Storia della letteratura inglese (8 vols, 2003-2017) has now been published by Peter Lang (8 vols, 2018-2019). As a creative writer he is the author of Pentapoli (2011), followed by Il Michelin del sacro (2012). He runs the blog , with comments and features on literature, cinema and music, and a weekly sports page.