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Gefundene Autoren: Sandy Jahmi Burg

Smartview Stories¿ is a children's emotional literacy empowerment book project that was birthed on the new moon of July, 2018. This came quite by surprise, I simply woke up that morning and knew I wanted to do this, that all of me was onboard, and that this project would unfold all in its own ripe timing. I teach inner relationship or neural brain rewiring skills as a Focusing trainer for The International Focusing Institute. I am also a neuroscience geek, mother of 3, trained in permaculture design who has lived in small intentional communities since 2005. All of this folds into how these books have evolved. Every Smartview Story will give the sense of an edge, where we know 'this much' clearly, and this other part, is not yet clear. Edges can be very uncomfortable in real life. Most of us have all sorts of protective behaviors in place to avoid them. We might change the subject, move out of the room, get something to eat, turn to our smartphones. It is very important to understand that edges are also where our brains take in new information. If we think we already know the answer, as in we only notice what is comfortable and clear already to us, then we miss an opportunity to learn something new. A younger child is naturally interested and curious about life. Sometimes we say kids are like sponges they learn so fast. And somehow, slowly, this sponginess gets stiffer and we are not so open to learning new things. Our stories will encourage using our brain in ways that support life-long learning habits. Life becomes a real adventure when you are willing to explore what is happening within/among/around you right now, freshly. It could be, this moment now, you will choose to do something new, something you've never done before. I certainly am! I will be developing ways to stay in touch. For now, you can find me here: and and at