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Gefundene Autoren: Mike Befeler

Mike Befeler is author of fourteen previous books including six books in the Paul Jacobson Geezer-lit Mystery Series: Nursing Homes Are Murder; Care Homes Are Murder; Cruising in Your Eighties Is Murder, a finalist for The Lefty Award for best humorous mystery of 2012; Senior Moments Are Murder; Living with Your Kids Is Murder, a finalist for The Lefty Award for best humorous mystery of 2009; and Retirement Homes Are Murder. He has two published paranormal mysteries: The V V Agency and The Back Wing; a theater mystery titled, Mystery of the Dinner Playhouse; a historical mystery, Murder on the Switzerland Trail ; a sports mystery, Court Trouble: A Platform Tennis Mystery; an international thriller, The Tesla Legacy; and his most recent novel, Death of a Scam Artist. He also has a non-fiction book titled, For Liberty: A World War II Soldier's Inspiring Life Story of Courage, Sacrifice, Survival and Resilience (The Best Chicken Thief in All of Europe). Mike is past-president of the Rocky Mountain Chapter of Mystery Writers of America. After a thirty-nine year business career, he retired into writing. He grew up in Hawaii, spent many years in Boulder, Colorado, and currently lives in Lakewood, California, with his wife Wendy. If you are interested in having the author speak to your book club, contact him at., His web site is