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Gefundene Autoren: Rabbi Yacov Barber

Rabbi Yacov Barber was born to Holocaust survivors. He is the father of six children and a proud grand­father. He has lived and studied in Israel, Canada, and Melbourne. He is currently living in New York. Having received both Rabbinic Ordination and Judiciary Ordination, he has also completed courses in palliative care, mediation, family violence, and arbitration. Rabbi Barber is an internationally acclaimed motivational speaker and a much sought-after communicator on ethics as well as spiritual and personal growth. He has lectured across the United States, Europe, Australia, and Canada. He is the author of Generation to Generation: Insights into the Haggadah, Wit & Wisdom: Sermons on the Weekly Torah Reading, and Pearls of Wisdom, a translation of insights of Reb Yehonatan Eybeshitz on the weekly portion and the festivals. Visit his website