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Gefundene Autoren: R. L. Adare

R.L. Adare has been writing since he was a teenager. Taking a major in linguistics at university, his interest in anthropology and language development has frequently played a part in his writing. While studying linguistics he also took a minor in German, so he could read Hesse in the original as well as obtain a teaching credential. He has taught for ten years after having been an accountant for thirty-five. Along the way, he and his wife owned a kite shop on the Oregon coast for ten years and lived on a thirty-six-foot sailboat for ten years, which they sailed down the coast from Seattle to Monterey. Among his favorite thousand authors are Zane Grey, Herman Hesse, D. H. Lawrence, C. J. Cherryh, Lawrence Durrell, Ursula Le Guin, Anne McCaffrey, Kurt Vonnegut, Jacqueline Cleary, and Diana Gabaldon.