Clark, Brenda Pierce. Call the Priest. Brenda Clark, 2019.

Brenda Pierce Clark

Call the Priest

  • Brenda Clark
  • 2019
  • Taschenbuch
  • 208 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781999046309

A child senses a call from God at an early age. Since she is a girl, she cannot be ordained. As she grows and the Anglican Church of Canada changes, the door opens. This is the life story of Reverend Canon Brenda Clark who remains faithful to God and her vocation and stays the course through ups and downs in her studies, journey to ordination and decades of ministry to retirement and beyond. This story is full of joys and sorrows-the stuff of life that is authentic and adds wisdom the longer we live. Through the church, she has been able to take advantage of continuing

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education experiences including two sabbaticals and a year-long program on spirituality. Her ministry has been balanced with great fun, travels, mentors and friends.

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