Cj, Duncan. HAPPINESS - Well-Being Advice from the World's Leading Experts. Claydon Hawke, 2022.

Duncan Cj


Well-Being Advice from the World's Leading Experts
  • Claydon Hawke
  • 2022
  • Gebunden
  • 354 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781739649104

Discover the Secrets of the World's Leading Happiness Experts. Duncan CJ has spent a decade interviewing the greatest minds of the 21st century and compiled their findings into this essential guide. Learn how to find true happiness from pioneering scientists, TED speakers, and New York Times bestselling authors. Through 55 short profiles, you will discover: Why it's harder to be happy if you're American Why 'follow your passion' is awful advice How to reverse your brain's negativity bias Why the Amish rarely get depressed How to feel pain but not suffer How to keep insecurity dormant Why self-help can make you miserable Why Baptist Fundamentalists can drink strychnine poison Why altruism is like a bulletproof vest Why happiness can't be pursued How your beliefs affect your biology And much more ----------------------- You will learn from world-renowned teachers including: ¿Cal Newport, Johann Hari, Lisa Feldman Barrett, Graham Hancock, Gregg Braden, Iain McGilchrist, Michael Shermer, Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake, David Meltzer, Michael Greger, Sean Stephenson, Lynne McTaggart, Judson Brewer, Steven

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Kotler, Marci Shimoff, Peter Russell, Kamal Ravikant, Mo Gawdat, Barry Schwartz, Harville Hendrix, Helen LaKelly Hunt, Douglas Rushkoff, Bernie Siegel, Tal Ben Shahar, John Gray, Mastin Kipp, Eric Edmeades, Kevin Kelly, and Dacher Keltner.

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