Gonzalez, Nick I. Courageous Coloring for Adults - Refresh your Spirit, Recharge your Mind, and Revitalize your Faith. NG Media, 2023.

Nick I Gonzalez

Courageous Coloring for Adults

Refresh your Spirit, Recharge your Mind, and Revitalize your Faith
  • NG Media
  • 2023
  • Taschenbuch
  • 102 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781737446460

Courageous Coloring is not your ordinary coloring book. Courageous Coloring is a coloring book that celebrates your identity in Christ through coloring, inspiring affirmation Bible verses on creative designs and patterns. At least three things will happen as you color. 1. Your spirit will be refreshed. Coloring the Courageous Coloring pages is a peaceful activity that reduces stress and increases your ability to focus. As you color each scripture page, you spend time in God's presence, refreshing your spirit. "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness" Galatians 5:22. 2. Your mind will be recharged. Coloring the Courageous Coloring pages is a great way to settle your mind, meditate on the Lord, and memorize scripture. As you color, each scripture page, the awareness of God's Word renews and recharges your mind. "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind" Romans 12:2. 3. Your faith will be revitalized. Coloring the Courageous Bible verses is an excellent way to stir your faith in Christ. As

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you color each scripture page, you're positioning your mind to connect with the Lord, energizing your trust in Him. "Revive me, LORD, according to Your word." Psalm 119:107. All of the affirmation Bible verses in this coloring book declare the promises of God. When you accept these promises, everything changes. What you thought could not be accomplished now becomes possible. You discover that God truly is with you, that you are valuable, and that his calling and purpose for your life are real. That's what makes you rise up and be courageous. If you're new to coloring, "Fear Not!" Coloring is good for you. Here are ten benefits of coloring courageously. Coloring is a peaceful activity to calm your mind. Coloring allows you to break away from the business of life and do something productive and creative. Coloring the Courageous Bible verses allow you to meditate on the Lord and memorize scripture. Coloring increases your ability to focus and allows you to reflect quietly on the verse you are coloring. Coloring offers a time of encouragement as you are reminded of the promise and hope the verse holds. Coloring is mindful, allowing you to be fully present, engaging with the scripture and the presence of the Lord. Coloring reduces anxiety by removing your attention from stress and challenge and focusing on the task of coloring. Coloring allows you to express yourself creatively and tap into your creative side to unleash the inner artist. Coloring produces creativity and more beauty in the world. The finished coloring pages can also be rewarding and inspiring, providing a sense of accomplishment. Coloring Courageous Bible verses can be a fun and inspiring activity that helps you connect with God and deepen your relationship with him. Courageous Coloring: Refresh your Spirit, Recharge your mind, and Revitalize your faith.

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