Turvey, Stephanie Jane. The Wellbeing Revolution - reclaiming our wellbeing. Stephanie Jane Turvey, 2019.

Stephanie Jane Turvey

The Wellbeing Revolution

reclaiming our wellbeing
  • Stephanie Jane Turvey
  • 2019
  • Taschenbuch
  • 252 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781731067173
Herausgeber: Stephanie Jane Turvey

This is a global call to reclaim our wellbeing and become a well being warrior. We have been sold the economic dream. We now stand at the crossroads, people or profit. It is time to "change the guard" on well being. To say goodbye to the old and welcome the new way. We owe it to our children, and the future generations. This book explores the values needed to restore the well being culture in our global society.

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