Vaughan, Thomas Ronald. God and The Twelve Problems of Evil. Resource Publications, 2020.

Thomas Ronald Vaughan

God and The Twelve Problems of Evil

  • Resource Publications
  • 2020
  • Gebunden
  • 118 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781725266728

This book of essays asks the enduring, age-old question, ""If God is loving and good, why is there so much evil?"" It answers boldly, ""Because God creates, sustains, and 'allows' evil in the world."" This fact is the greatest and most impenetrable mystery of the Christian faith. Twelve categories of evil are thereafter described and analyzed. The case is made that God is actively involved in the manifestations of evil, mysteriously and paradoxically suffers with her beloved children, but is ""in control"" of it all. Whatever harms, causes suffering, or destroys persons, animals, or the precious earth will be eliminated forever, but only in God's good

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time. Until then, believers must overcome evil with good, maintaining faith in the God whose thoughts and ways are not ours.

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