June. The Season Before the Butterfly - From Survival to Freedom Imagination... Inspiration.. Aspiration...Elevation...Manifestation. Lulu.com, 2020.


The Season Before the Butterfly

From Survival to Freedom Imagination... Inspiration.. Aspiration...Elevation...Manifestation
  • Lulu.com
  • 2020
  • Gebunden
  • 102 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781716606250

Why was this book so important? I lived thinking I was the only one living this life, until I found myself sitting on the floor, disgusted with my choices and hearing those small voices. Voices: Bad choices, drugs, false impressions, fake friends, obsessions, abandonment, detriment to my future. Then I found my voice, My voice: self-love, appreciation, self-reliance, goals, accomplishments, hope. Be your own butterfly

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