Lee, Jade. Rules for a Lady (A Lady's Lessons, Book 1). ePublishing Works!, 2017.

Jade Lee

Rules for a Lady (A Lady's Lessons, Book 1)

  • ePublishing Works!
  • 2017
  • Gebunden
  • 238 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781614179702

If a lady is to become a Countess, there are rules... #1: A lady does not attempt to come out in London society disguised as her deceased half-sister. #2: A lady does not become enamored of her guardian; even when his masterful kisses and whispered words of affection tempt her beyond all endurance. #3: A lady may not climb barefoot from her bedroom onto a rose trellis, nor engage in fisticuffs with riffraff even if it is to rescue street urchins. #4: No matter how impossible the odds, a lady always gives her hand and her heart-though not necessarily in that order-to the one man who

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sees her as she truly is and loves her despite her flagrant disobedience of the rules for a lady.

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