Trotsky, Leon. Permanent Revolution. Blatter Press, 2008.

Leon Trotsky

Permanent Revolution

  • Blatter Press
  • 2008
  • Gebunden
  • 184 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781443726757

PERMANENT REVOLUTION. PREFACE AMERICAN EDITION: As THIS book goes to press in the English language, the whole thinking part of the international working class, and in a sense, the whole of civilized humanity, listens with particularly keen interest to the reverberations of the economic turn taking place on the part of the former czarist empire. The greatest attention in this connection is aroused by the problem of collectivizing the peasant hold ings. And no wonder in this sphere the break with the past assumes a particularly clear-cut character. But a correct evaluation of collectivization is unthinkable without a general conception of the socialist revolution. And here

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on an even higher plane, we are again convinced that everything in the field of Marxian theory is bound up with practical activity. The most remote, and it would seem, abstract disagreements, if they are thought out to the end, will sooner or later be expressed in practise, and the latter allows not a single theoretica

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