Aoyama, Hideaki / Fujiwara, Yoshi et al. Macro-Econophysics - New Studies on Economic Networks and Synchronization. European Community, 2017.

Hideaki Aoyama / Yoshi Fujiwara / Yuichi Ikeda / Hiroshi Iyetomi / Wataru Souma / Hiroshi Yoshikawa


New Studies on Economic Networks and Synchronization
  • European Community
  • 2017
  • Gebunden
  • 432 Seiten
  • ISBN 9781107198951

The recent availability of big data on heterogeneity and synchronization of economic networks brings an opportunity to explore concepts of macroeconomics. The theories of statistical physics, complex networks and big data are applied to understand the intricacies of macroeconomic concepts including business cycles, systemic risks, inflation and productivity.

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