Marquart Johnston, Barbara. "Love Him For Us. Lutheran News Inc, 2020.

Barbara Marquart Johnston

"Love Him For Us

  • Lutheran News Inc
  • 2020
  • Taschenbuch
  • 254 Seiten
  • ISBN 9780986423284

"From Fort To Fort" might have been the title of this book, since my story begins in Fort Worth, TX and ends in Fort Wayne, IN. During those years, I have been surrounded by people of Faith, young and old. In Ft Worth, before I went to Australia, I was the Jr Youth Director, as well as the church secretary at my home congregation, St. Paul Lutheran Church. In Australia, I taught art, grades one through 10 in our Lutheran schools. Upon return to the States, I was secretary to Dr. Charles Evanson for three years, for Dr. Eugene Bunkowske for a year, served in acquisitions in the seminary

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library, resettled refugees with Catholic Charities, and taught English as a second language to Laotians. At Ascension Lutheran Church in Ft Wayne, I was first a teacher's aide at the preschool, followed by ten years in the capacity of full-time church/ school secretary under Dr. John Stube. These activities placed me in a position to appreciate the points of view of clergy as well as laity. Oh, yes, I was also the wife of a busy pastor/professor, mother to five great kids, foster mom to two teenage boys in Australia, and at last count, between Bob and me, I am grandmother to 31 children! To God be the Glory!

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