Danoli, Kayla. By Any Other Name. Eaglemount Books, 2021.

Kayla Danoli

By Any Other Name

  • Eaglemount Books
  • 2021
  • Taschenbuch
  • 274 Seiten
  • ISBN 9780648942313

How can you live with someone for so long and not know anything about them? It's not until Tremayne Bancroft lies dead in a cane field, and the police are asking embarrassing questions about him, that his wife realises she knows nothing of her husband's background, his family, or anything else about him. Join her in her quest to uncover the truth, and perhaps come to know the man she married. This undertaking causes her to reflect on her own life - a married life spent more apart more than together - and forces her to confront what and who she discovers in the truth about her husband.

in Kürze