Porterfield, Wayne. The Dance of Dynamic Peace. Tellwell Talent, 2019.

Wayne Porterfield

The Dance of Dynamic Peace

  • Tellwell Talent
  • 2019
  • Gebunden
  • 228 Seiten
  • ISBN 9780228813811

"Those desiring to escape from suffering hasten right toward suffering. With the very desire for happiness, out of delusion they destroy their own happiness as if it were an enemy." ~ Shantideva All beings desire to be happy and at peace. Yet, the way we go about our daily lives often takes us further away from the very thing we want. Peace cannot be acquired through external sources. It lies within. The journey to inner peace begins on the meditator's seat where one returns again and again to reconnect with the present moment. In so doing, conscious awareness expands and we recognize our limiting thoughts, feelings and beliefs as the very obstacles to inner peace. At the same time, life is never static. We all experience moments of profound highs and deep lows. Therefore, we

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must also view inner peace as a dynamic state that evolves and transforms as life unfolds. In each moment, as we learn to be open and accepting of whatever life offers, our state of inner peace expands. Living in peace and joy is possible in spite of the intensity of life. Walk with me on this journey to discovering the dance of dynamic peace.

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